When you add a single Web Page to a Show, the Web Page will not refresh. The same thing happens with a Playlist with a single Web Page. This is by design since many Web Pages must be shown constantly.
To refresh a Web Page, enable the Refresh Web page toggle, located in the Web Page's Advanced Settings. This will cause the Player to reload the Web Page every X seconds/minutes/hours.
If you refresh a page too often, the website might block your IP. Set a duration that matches your needs. We suggest a minimum of 180" refresh time. Also, account for ALL the Players loading this Web Page. Your IP or whole system might be blocked if you load content from a third-party website too fast.
Custom Script
Remember that if you have added a custom script running on this web page by enabling the "Refresh Web page," any Script Code you may have defined will only be executed on the page's first load and not on each successive refresh.