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Web Page - URL Parameters Per Device
Web Page - URL Parameters Per Device
Updated over 10 months ago


Web Pages provide a single URL address that is used throughout Yodeck. If you want to display different content depending on the device (Monitor), you would have to use a different web page entry for each monitor and create a different Show and Schedule.

To avoid this, we provide two unique parameters that can be used in the Web Page URL address. These parameters are replaced in the URL you provide with the respective values for each Monitor. Your web page should then be able to differentiate the behavior based on this ID. Here are the values we currently support:

  • DEVICE_ID - This is the ID displayed in the monitor listing, e.g., 4321

  • DEVICE_UUID - This is the ID displayed in the Monitor's details, e.g. abcdef112abcdef112abcdef112

  • DEVICE_NAME - This is the Name of the Monitor, e.g. "Lobby Screen"

Please note the following:

  • All occurrences of these special names in all URL addresses will be replaced.

  • These parameter names are case-sensitive, so they must be used in uppercase. If they are not in uppercase, they will not be replaced.

  • The "DEVICE_NAME" values are URL-encoded, so you can use any character, including non-Latin characters.

  • Currently, there is no way to specify a value for DEVICE_ID and DEVICE_UUID. If you delete a Monitor (device) from your account, the DEVICE_UUID and DEVICE_ID values are lost, and you can't retrieve them or re-create the device entry with these values. Check out the "Using a Custom ID" section below.

Using a Custom ID

If you want to use a Custom ID for each Monitor, you can use the "DEVICE_NAME" parameter with a twist to make it easier. If the name of a Monitor includes the special character "~" (called "tilde"), then only the part after tilde is used while replacing. So, if you specify "Lobby Screen ~653" as a Name for a Monitor, then the DEVICE_NAME parameter will use only the "653" value.

This way, you can specify a Custom ID within the Name of each Monitor, making it easier to manage the custom URLs.


Let's say you have 2 Monitors with Device IDs 4001 and 4002. If you use the following URL in a Web Page:

The following URLs will be sent respectively to each of the two devices:

Let's say you have 3 Monitors with Device Names "Lobby Screen", "Reception Screen" and "Arena Screen ~1234". If you use the following URL in a Web Page:

The following URLs will be sent respectively to each of the two devices:

To device " Arena Screen ~1234":

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