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Changing the screen resolution on a Yodeck Player
Changing the screen resolution on a Yodeck Player
Updated over 9 months ago

Yodeck Player Resolution Help

The Yodeck Player (based on Raspberry Pi) is designed to automatically detect the "preferred" resolution of the connected monitor upon start-up. This is usually the native resolution of the monitor. However, there may be instances where the resolution is not detected correctly. This can happen if the Player is powered on without a screen connected or if there is a power failure and the Player starts before the screen has had time to power up and report correctly. The standard VGA resolution of 640x480 or 1024x768 will be used in these cases.

If you are experiencing issues with the resolution on your Yodeck Player, you can take a few steps to resolve the issue. First, try rebooting your Player. This will often solve any resolution issues, and the Player will start displaying content using the TV's maximum supported resolution.

If the issue persists, you can also try selecting your player's desired resolution automatically on boot. To do this, edit the option in your player's Sound/Display tab.

resolution 4K

4K Support

It is important to note that the latest Yodeck player supports a 4K resolution. If your TV screen supports 4K resolution, it will automatically start displaying content in that resolution.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to troubleshoot and adjust the resolution on your Yodeck Player. If you continue to experience issues, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for more help.

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