Account Ownership
Only the account owner can change another user's account ownership. An Admin or any other user role cannot accomplish the procedure below.
If you want to change/transfer the account ownership to another user, please follow the steps below:
Log in as the Account Owner, e.g., "[email protected]"
Click at the top right of your screen and select the "My User Profile" option.
Change the email from "[email protected]" to "new_[email protected]" and click the "Save" button.
What happens if the new_owner is already a user under that account?
If the user "new_[email protected]" already exists as a user on that account, please follow the below steps:
Click at the top right of your screen and select the "Users" option.
Find the "new_[email protected]" user and delete it.
Click at the top right of your screen and select the "My User Profile" option.
Change the email from "[email protected]" to "new_[email protected]" and click the "Save" button.
โ If you cannot access the initial owner's account, don't hesitate to contact our support to assist you with the ownership change.